Monthly Archives: June 2017

Transposition of the directive Mediation of May 21st, 2008

By order n°2011-1540 of November 16th, 2011, published to the gazette of November 17th, 2011, the directive of the European Parliament and the Council of May 21st, 2008 concerning the mediation and establishing a common regulation to all the mediations was transposed into France in application of the Law  of May 17th, 2011 concerning the ” simplification and improvement of the quality of the law “.

For further information consult the link: http: // nnances-10180/ordonnance-fixant-un-cadr e-general-a-la-mediation-23201.html

Autumn meeting : and now what I the future for the Mediation?

Calendar of the events 2011 to come

The Autumn meeting was organized by The National Association of the Mediators on Friday, November 4th, 2011 in Paris. The event entitled : ” and now, what future for the mediation? ” concerned two main themes: looks crossed on the stakes in the mediation and the organization of the Mediators

For further details, consult the site of THE ANM: http: //