Monthly Archives: June 2017

Day of study on the Mediation

Mediation today
This study day on mediation is the opportunity to review the practices of mediation in various domains of social life where it is relevant : in international relations, health, sustainable development or the interpersonal mediation with the aim of the resolution of the disputes. It will also be a question of underlining the specificity of the mediation compared with the law and to the existing institutions

For further  information, you can consult affichejourneedetudes2dec(10) (2)_0

Study: sociological looks on the Mediation

Within the framework of the seminar ” justice in action “, Anne REVILLARD (Lecturer in sociology, responsible for the Master’s degree ” Politics and action  ” at the University Paris-Nord-Villataneuse) with Benoît BASTARD and Thomas RIBEMONT, organized on February 15th, one day study on the theme ” sociological Looks on mediation “. This day aims at arousing an exchange between researchers working on mediation in various domains ( family, social, administrative, hospitable mediation). It is opened to all interested persons.

For further information, refer to the following document: Sociological Looks on Mediation 1