The Mediator of the City of Paris is pleased to present her annual activity report. Claire BRISSET invites you to consult it directly via the attached pdf link: Rapport d’activité de la Médiatrice Ville de Paris 2012

The Mediator of the City of Paris is pleased to present her annual activity report. Claire BRISSET invites you to consult it directly via the attached pdf link: Rapport d’activité de la Médiatrice Ville de Paris 2012
Nicolas JACOBS, News Mediator for France 2, announces the release of its annual activity report for 2012.
You are invited to consult it by clicking the link below:
After consultation by the Directorate-General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Prevention of Fraud (DGCCRF), the associations of consumers, the ARCEP (the French national electronic communications and postal regulation authority and on proposal of the operators of the Association Mediation of the Electronic Communications (AMCE), Marie-Louise DESGRANGE was chosen as Mediator of the Electronic Communications for a duration of 3 years.
You will find below the press release announcing her appointment.
Marie-Louise DESGRANGE – Mediateur des communications electroniques
Michel ASTRUC, GDF SUEZ Mediator, announces the release of its annual report 2012.
He invites you to consult it by clicking the following link :