Monthly Archives: June 2017

The intervention of the Mediator of GDF Suez and the Mediator with BNP Paribas in the days of the francophone Mediation in Bucharest

On September 12th and 13th, Michel Astruc, the Mediator of GDF Suez and Dominique Chevaillier Boisseau, the Mediator with BNP Paribas, participated in the Days of the francophone Mediation in Bucharest, whose objective was to share the practices of mediation in the French-speaking area, on the initiative of the Institute of the Mediation in french-speaking countries (IMEF) and the ACRFPC (Rumanian body for training).

Both Mediators led the round table dedicated to companies involment in the amicable settlement of disputes, in the service of the RSE (corporate social responsibility of companies). Representatives of Apanova (water distribution in Bucharest), of the national Bank of Romania, Orange, the BNP and GDF Suez in Romania were present.

In this opportunity, TV Romania realized an interview of the Mediator with BNP Paribas and with the Mediator of GDF Suez. They spoke about  the main values which characterize the mediation, such as the listening, respect, neutrality, impartiality, the confidentiality and independence. They also stressed the importance of  encouraging the development of the amicable settlement of the disputes


On October 10th, several members of the Club of the Mediators of Servicesto the Public participated in the conference ” Mediation: from the texts to the practice “, organized by the University of Maine, in partnership with the Gazette du Palais. Interventions were carried out, first of all, on the theme of the civil, judicial and family mediation, then, in second part, on the specific mediations which were represented by Marielle Cohen-Branche, Bernard Dreyfus and Michel Astruc.

The second part of the conference was initiated by Bernard Dreyfus, General Delegate for the Defender of the Rights who introduced  the frame of mediation in public law. In this field, mediation is a concept still little developped in legal texts, only two procedures are present in the Code of Administrative Justice which fall outside the remit of the administrative judge for mediation . However, he emphasized that despite the absence of legal texts, the spirit of mediation is growing strongly in the public services. Marielle Cohen Branch then intervened on the topic of stock market and financial mediation . She recalled that the Financial Markets Authority ( AMF ) gives advice on each treated mediation case, that is to say  approximately 4 000 cases per year.  case and this way contribute to educate the opinion about 4,000 per year. Mediation in this area makes a real work of teaching and explanations when the financial institution in question has not calmed the dispute with the customer

Finally, Michel Astruc spoke on the topic of mediation with users-customers by giving the example of Mediation of GDF SUEZ. He went back on  to the missions of GDF SUEZ describing its actions, values ​​and objectives.

This conference  allowed to confirm the current tendency  which is the development of the mediation practices even within the courts. Indeed, it is about a strong call appeal of the citizens relayed by public authorities, which see the possibility, even the necessity, to introduce an amicable dimension into the resolution of the disputes.

You can find the program of the conference by clicking on the following link: Programme du colloque au Mans as well as the interventions of Michel Astruc, Bernard Dreyfus and Marielle Cohen Branch by clicking the following links:

Intervention de Michel ASTRUC au colloque La médiation des textes à la pratique

Intervention de B. Dreyfus sur la Médiation en droit public

Intervention de Marielle Cohen-Branche