The Club

Creation of the Club

The Club of the Mediators of the Public service was created in 2002, to gather the Mediators of organizations (companies, administrations, collective areas) who shared the same values regarding mediation. All these organizations had from the start, the ambition to listen better and to treat the disputes of the citizens / users / consumers, and to participate so in the devices improvement of amicable settlement of the disputes.

Charter of the Club

The Club developed in 2004 its charter, in dialogue with the Ombudsman. It constitutes the foundation of the values shared by its members, and their common vision of the institutional mediation. This Charter was renewed at the beginning of 2011.

Development of the Club

The Club welcomed, over time, new members.

It represents the only organization in France today gathering mediators operating in the field of the institutional mediation.

It was at the origin of reflections on the institutional mediation, and participates actively in the corresponding works, in France and in Europe (Forum of Jena in 2006, works of the CNC on the mediation in 2007, directive mediation in 2008, Assizes of the Consumption in 2009, Commission of the Mediation of Consumption in 2010).

It finalized in 2009, a professionalization  device of the Mediators and their teams.

It was transformed into Association in 2010, to improve its action and its visibility, in France and in Europe


The functioning of the Club of Mediators is based on the sharing and the teamwork between all its members.

The Club of the Mediators gathers its members, the Mediators, regularly

An office assures the general coordination

Working groups are constituted when a case requires a concerted action: renovation of the Charter, the elaboration and follow up of professionalization device, elaboration of the web site of the Club

The Club maintains regular relations with the stakeholders of the institutional mediation (public authorities, consumers’ associations, other mediators, European authorities).


The Club of the Mediators constituted in association (law 1901) in September, 2010. Its statuses were put down in the Police headquarters of Paris.
The Club so intends to consolidate its role of promotion of institutional mediation, in particular by favoring the professionalization of the Mediators and their teams by a training adapted to their needs and by insuring the broadcasting between members of their experiences and sharing of the best practices.

Paris, September 10th, 2010

The undersigned parties wishing to constitute an association established the following statuses.



An association governed by the law of July 1st, 1901 and the decree of August 16th, 1901 is established between the members in the present statuses, having for name:

Club of the Mediators of Services to the Public

Art. 2 – PURPOSE

This association aims to promote institutional mediation in accordance with the principles of the Charter of Mediators services to the public. To this end, it promotes the exchange of best practices for a quality mediation


The head office is fixed in Caisse des dépôts et consignations – 56 kick of Lille – 75356 BETS POSTAL AREA 07.

He can be transferred by simple decision of the General Assembly.


The duration of the association is unlimited



The association consists of:

  • honorary members,
  • benefactors,
  • founder members, ex-officio members,
  • adhering members, natural persons.

The founding members and associate members are mediators or former mediators. They have the quality of active members and participate in the General Assembly with voting rights. They paid their dues and agree to participate in the realization of the object of the association

Supporting members are persons or institutions and collectivities which, by donations accepted by the General Assembly, mark a particular interest for the association.

The General Assembly may confer the title of honorary member any person who has rendered outstanding services to the association.


To join the Association it is necessary be proposed by the Board and approved by the General Assembly to decide on admission applications to the majority of two thirds of its members


Active members agree to pay an annual membership fee which is determined each year by the General Assembly


The quality of active member gets lost by:

  • resignation
  • no payment of the contribution
  • radiation pronounced by the General assembly with the majority of 2/3 of the members.


The resources of the association include :

  • Contributions paid by active members,
  • Grants, donations, bequests, gifts and any other resources that is not prohibited by laws and regulations



An internal rules of procedures precise and complete the  functioning of the association. It is approved by the General Assembly.


The General assembly includes all the members of the association and meets at least once a year at the call of his Chairman or at the request of a quarter of its members.
The General Assembly  will have the widest powers which he shall exercise within the limits of the objects of the association.

It elects from among its members :

  • A President
  • One or several Vice President,
  • A Secretary and if necessary an assistant secretary,
  • A Treasurer and if necessary an assistant treasurer.

which together constitute the Bureau

The office is renewed every year by half. The first year members to renew are drawn.

The office manages the current affairs in the interval between meetings of the General Assembly.

The president represents the association in all acts of civil life.

The General Assembly may delegate any of their powers or for a specified period, to one or more of its members


In case of dissolution by 2/3 of the members of the General Assembly, one or several liquidators appointed by it and the assets, if any, shall vest in accordance with art. 9 of the Act of 1 July 1901 and the Decree of 16 August 1901.

The signatories empower Emmanuel CONSTANS to carry out the formalities for deposit of the Association statutes at the Prefecture.

Paris, September 10th, 2010

The training of the Mediators and their teams

Le Club des Médiateurs (association loi 1901) a vocation à participer au développement d’une médiation de qualité confiée à des médiateurs professionnels. Il a accordé une priorité au plan de formation initiale et continue, qu’il a contribué à mettre en place. En effet, la Médiation institutionnelle pratiquée par les membres du Club se doit d’être exemplaire. Elle se déroule selon un processus qui lui est spécifique et qui requiert des compétences professionnelles et une bonne connaissance de l’institution ou de l’entreprise.Ce processus se fonde sur une totale confidentialité et une instruction contradictoire. Le médiateur est garant de la qualité et du respect des délais des réponses apportées aux requérants. Il se doit aussi de formuler des avis ou des recommandations en équité et en droit.Pour satisfaire ces exigences, le Club des Médiateurs de Services au Public a mis en place en partenariat avec l’IGPDE (Institut de la Gestion Publique et du Développement Économique) un dispositif de professionnalisation de ses membres et de leurs équipes.


The Club of the Mediators (1901 association law) aims to contribute to the development of a quality mediation carried out by professional mediators. It prioritized initial and continuing training, which he contributed to set up. Indeed, the institutional mediation practiced by members of the Club owes to be exemplary. It takes place in a way that is specific and requires professional skills and knowledge of the institution or company . This process is based on total confidentiality and  contradictory instruction. The mediator guarantees the quality and the respect of the deadlines of the answers brought to the applicants . It must also provide advice or recommendations based on equity and law. To meet these requirements, the Club of Mediators for the Public Services set up in partnership with IGPDE (Institute of Public Management and Economic Development ) a professionalization of its members and their teams.

The purpose of the device is :

  • Develop communication skills and conflict management useful to lead  the cases instruction
  • Understanding the position of the Ombudsman, including the specificitiess of its missions (legal and cultural aspects of the activity, the principles that lead the Mediation, the various types of mediation and its place in society),
  • Understand the steps and methodology of the process of instrution of mediation.


Since the creation of this training that constitutes the central module of a device  also including modules of continuing  training, four sessions were held. They were followed by more than seventy participants. They include both  theoretical and practical teachings concerning the process of mediation. The trainings  are opened to the mediators who share the values and the principles of the mediation registered in the Charter of the Club of the Mediators as well as members  of their teams.
To know more about it, you can as your questions by clicking the following address: