Annual report of the mediator : ENGIE_MEDIATEUR_RA_2015_GB
Dispute resolution through mediation suits very well to the energy sector, where many consumers ask for a highly personalized listening treatment in a changing environment. ENGIE is committed in this way for more than 10 years now and this with a high level of success.
The Mediator of The Group ENGIE, Jean Pierre HERVÉ, was appointed by the President of the Group in July 2014. He enjoys full independence within the Group. Every year, he presents a report detailing the elements of his activity for the past year and his recommendations. He presents this report to the management of the Group ENGIE .
What is the role of the Mediator of the Group ENGIE ?
The Mediator, through the practice of amicable methods of dispute settlement, constitutes the last amicable recourse within ENGIE to solve persistent problems with each person or organization concerned by the activities of the Group, whether he is or not customer. He helps to improve relationships with the customers, through his recommendations and his action in favour of the development of the mediation.
Improve relations between customers and the Group
When it is not about a persistent issue, the request received by the Mediation is transmitted for treatment to the concerned customer service.
In this case, the Mediator shall inform the customer, and follows the case until resolution.
Resolve persistent disputes
The Mediator of the Group ENGIE develops, with the concerned parties, solutions to end persistent disputes.Mediation is a complement to the treatment of the complaints of each customer services of the Group, and so provide the applicant a last recourse within the Group, when he considers unsatisfactory the brought answer. It is characterized by a high success level.
Contribute to the improvement of client processes and to the treatment of the complaints
Through his contacts with the customers and the actors of the mediation, the Mediator is a privileged observer of the relations of the consumers-citizens with companies.He thus participates, th rough his observations and internal recommendations, to improve the treatment of the customers requests and complaints, when he identifies recurring dysfunctions. The relevance of his analyses and the quality of the dialogue maintained with customer services and consumers, lead to significant improvements of the concerned devices.
Acts for the development of the mediation, in France and in Europe, in connection with the partners of the mediation
The Mediator contributes to the development of the mediation, with the most concerned actors, within and outside the Group.Consumers’ Associations are a leading player through their specific knowledge of the consumers.Dialogues exist with many companies, the MEDEF, other Mediators, very active in France.It is also the case with the European Authorities in charge of the consumerism and of the energy (DG SANCO, DG ENERGY), the European Office of Consumers’ associations ( BEUC), CEC, ERGEG, EUROGAS, EURELECTRIC …
The Mediator of the Group GDF Suez is member of mediators notified to the European Commission.
He is spokesman for the EEMG (European Energy Mediators Group) association of mediators created by companies operating in Europe in the sector of the energy.
The Mediator of the Group ENGIE cannot intervene:
- When a procedure is already brought before the courts; what does not prevent him, before the case comes in audience, to make a mediation avoiding then the difficulties and the costs of the judicial process.
- hors de son champ de compétence.
How contacting the Mediator?
- By mail :
TSA 27601 59973 TOURCOING CEDEX - By internet with application form : Page de contact
The Mediator of ENGIE acknowledges receipt of the request under 48 hours. The recourse is free. The treatment of the case is confidential. The Mediator guarantees an answer within two months which follow the date of the referral of the customer, except in complex cases.
For more information
To know more about the mediation within ENGIE, consult the site The report of the Mediator of ENGIE is public.