The National Mediator for Pôle Emploi (French employment agency)

Jean-Louis Walter
Monsieur Jean-Louis Walter Médiateur National Pôle emploi, Direction Générale 1 rue de Docteur Gley 75987 Paris Cedex 20

Jean-Louis Walter was appointed National Mediator with Pôle Emploi in July 2010.

With his experience of social negotiation , management of social welfare agencies and the serenity of a senior, he entered the world of employment agency, with the mission to strengthen the culture of mediation and to demonstrate that an entity of 45 000 people attending six million cases per year is able to give a place for the individual.

The vocation of the Mediator with Pôle Emploi is to bring peace, because unemployment creates a special suffering, vulnerability that reduces the level of tolerance to indifference.

The Law of August 1st, 2008 relative to the rights and duties of the job-seekers created the function of National Mediator with Pôle Emploi. His missions are of :

  • Receive and treat the complaints of the job-seekers.
  • Propose modifications and evolutions to improve the service provided to the users.
  • Present an annual report to the board of directors of Pôle Emploi and to the government.
  • dManage a team of regional mediators.

The mediator may be requested as soon as there is a persisting dispute between Pôle Emploi and job-seeker who considers that he did not obtain a satisfactory answer to a first complaint. The existence of a preliminary approach with the concerned services is required for intervention of the Mediator. It is equally possible to request the National Mediator or his regional correspondent.He recommends solutions for the individual cases with which he is seized.

The Mediator intervenes in accordance with laws, regulations. In exceptional circumstances where the strict application of the regulations leads to an obviously inequitable situation or against the spirit of the law, he can look for an appropriate solution to restore the equity.

It does not create a precedent and does not set a precedent for the treatment of similar future situations.The referral of the Mediator has no suspensive effect.It takes place without prejudice to other recourses, and does not interrupt the deadline.

To request the National Mediator of Pôle emploi :

Monsieur Jean-Louis Walter
Médiateur National
Pôle emploi, Direction Générale
1 rue de Docteur Gley
75987 Paris Cedex 20

The address and phone number of the regional mediators of Pôle Emploi are available on-line.
The recourse to the Mediator is free. The processing of your application may take a few days to two months, following the nature of your complaint.

More information on the mediation of Pôle Emploi are available on the site :