The organization with whom you have a dispute does not fall within the jurisdiction of one of the members of the Club. It is therefore impossible for us to intervene.
To resolve your dispute, three options are available to you:
- If the body in question is a business, administration, social organization or a local authority (city, county or region), we suggest you to visit the website of it. It is possible that it is now equipped with a mediator and you will find the referral procedures.
- Otherwise, if you have a consumer dispute with France-based professional, you may contact the European Consumer Centre. You will find its mission and mode of referral by clicking on this following link: Its services are free.
- You may also contact the DGCCRF (Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes), which is able to guide your request to the suitable body. You can contact them by clicking on the following link:
dgccrf/consommation/Resoudre- un-litige-de-consommation.