The Club of the Mediators of Services Departments to the Public met on May 3rd, 2011. To promote the launch of their web site, a press release was broadcasted.
Communication du Club des Médiateurs – 3 mai 2011
Press release
As from May 3rd, 2011, the Club of the Mediators of Services to the Public puts at the disposal of the Internet users a site dedicated to the institutional mediation.
This new door is the first one in France to explain the role of the institutional mediators in the amicable resolution of the disputes.
Let us remind that they act in particular for disputes concerning large companies (EDF, GDF-SUEZ, The Post office and The Mail Bank, the SNCF – FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY – and the RATP -PARIS PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM-, administrations, (the Ministries of Economy and Budget, that of the Education and the higher Education, the City of Paris) as well as sectorial institutions (the Authority of Financial markets, the Caisse des Dépots, the French Federation of Insurance companies, the Agricultural Social Mutual insurance Mutuality, public channels, employment agency, the Water and Purification agency).
With this site, the Internet users have an easy access to useful information on the mediation. It also allows to know which Mediator to report and according to which modalities.
The site presents the Charter of the Club, the values which it promotes and the commitments of the Mediators to the users and the customers.
They also find a wide documentation on mediation and numerous useful links.
To reach this site:
Synopsis for a press article
The Club of the Mediators of Services to the Public gathers the Mediators of large companies (EDF, GDF-SUEZ, The Post office and The Mail Bank, the SNCF -FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY- and the RATP -PARIS PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM- , administrations, (the Ministries of Economy and Budget, that of Education and the higher Education, the City of Paris) as well as sectorial institutions (the Authority of Financial markets, the Deposit office, the French Federation of Insurance companies, the Agricultural Social Mutual insurance, public channels).
It has just opened a site entirely dedicated to the institutional mediation
It is the first time in France because, if the Mediators of the Club had each their own site, the institutional Mediation was, as such, absent in Web previously. It allowed to settle adjust in 2010 more than 100 000 disputes.
The President of the Club, Emmanuel Constans, Ombudsman of the economic and financial Ministries, said ” we said to ourselves that every citizen, whether he is an user, a customer or consumer is entitled to an easily accessible information which helps him to understand what is mediation, such as we practise it, and directs him, if it is his wish, to one of us, according to the nature of his dispute “.
The site appears under an attractive shape and allows an intuitive visit which will certainly be very estimated by all those who are tempted by the recourse to mediation to settle a dispute. Let us pledge that after this visit, they will not hesitate to report to the Mediator for the dispute which worries them: the site planned to this end, a direct link with the door of each Mediator of the Club. Convenient not?
To reach this site:
The institutional mediation is a ” alternative Mode of resolution of disputes “. It can be implemented to try to avoid a legal action and to settle individual disputes between persons or institutions and companies or institutions.
Free, fast, of free access, it intervenes when the other internal recourses are exhausted. This dispute settlement is made in a spirit and with the techniques of the Mediation: listening, equity, impartiality, respect for the contradictory, confidentiality.
The outcome of the Mediation is translated by the issue of a notice in law and equity, within one-three months (even more following the complexity of the case, notice which the parties are free to accept or to refuse.
For the last ten years, numerous institutions and companies took the initiative to set up Mediators to offer a better listening quality and of services to the public. By their positioning, their experience, their moral and professional authority, and by the independence which they have within the institution or within the company, these Mediators have a singular role: not only they favor the dispute settlement but they also contribute to prevent them by their improvement of the processes recommendations.
List members of the Club of the Mediators of Services to the Public, March 1st 2011
Honorary member
The Ombudsman
Founding members
- Mediator for l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
- Mediator for La Caisse des Dépôts
- Mediator for EDF (The French Electricity Company)
- Mediator for National Education and Higher Education
- Mediator for La Fédération Française des Sociétés d’Assurance (the French Federation of Insurance Companies)
- Mediator for France 2
- Mediator for France 3
- Mediator for France Television Programs
- Mediator for GDF SUEZ
- Mediator for the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment and the Ministry for Budget, Public Accounts and State Reform
- Mediator for the Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA)
- Mediator for the Groupe La Poste
- Mediator for the RATP (the Paris public transport system)
- Mediator for the SNCF (French national railway corporation)
- Mediator of the City of Paris