Le mot du président : la médiation face au Covid-19

La médiation face au Covid-19 Comme toutes les activités au service du public, la médiation est très fortement impactée par la crise sanitaire. D’abord parce que les médiateurs et leurs équipes sont comme la grande majorité d’entre vous en télétravail[…..]


On 18 March, the Consumer Law was published in the Official Journal. It aims to re-balance powers between consumers and traders. The various provisions in the text represent real advances in terms of consumer protection. This law covers 3 major[…..]


The Decree of 30 October 2015 on the mediation of consumer disputes was published in the Official Journal “Laws and Decrees”. It follows the order on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes which was published in the Official Journal “Laws[…..]


The Charter of the Club de Médiateurs de Services au Public (Club of Public services Mediators), an inclusive text affirming the shared values and defended by its members, states that “recourse to mediation is available to applicants on a no-fee[…..]

Conference of the Commission of the Consumption Mediation

The Commission of the Mediation of Consumption organized a colloquium on September 27th, 2011 in Paris entitled : ” The Mediation to the service of consumers: the found confidence “. Frédéric Lefebvre, Secretary of State in charge of Consumption intervened[…..]


The Conference organized by the Club of the Mediators of Services to the Public took place last thursday, January 17th in the Jena Palace, seat of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council and gathered more than 300 participants. This event[…..]

November 16th, 2012: the mediation in the AUTUMN MEETING

The conference « The Mediation : a political will » organized by the National Association of the Mediators (A.N.M) under the patronage of Madam Christiane TAUBIRA, Minister of Justice, was held on 16th, 2012 in the Seat of the French National Assembly. You[…..]

On July 1st, two new members joined the Club

Gora PATEL, Mediator of the programs of France Télévision Entered the ORTF in La Reunion in 1970, he  joins  FR3 French overseas departments and territories in 1982, in La Reunion until 1987, then in Guiana from 1987 till 1992, as[…..]

Commission for Consumer Mediation

Within the framework of the publication of its annual report for 2012, the CMC has just published a press release ” The development of the mediation in the consumer sector : the missions of the Mediation Commission of the Mediation[…..]

Conference : « Mediation, the Confidence at first »

Find the conference ” Mediation, the confidence  at first ” of January 17th in videos Programme 17 janvier 2013 Communiqué de Presse -Club des médiateurs Colloque du 17 01 13 Les Actes du colloque-17 janvier 2013 « Mediation, confidence at first »[…..]

The Conference Proceedings “Mediation and Equity”

Speakers Debate under the direction of Emmanuel CONSTANS, Mediator of the economic and financial ministries Béatrice MAJDA, Associate Lawyer, GB2A ( Caen ) cabinet, Lecturer in public law at the faculty of law of CAEN – University of Basse-Normandie. Michel[…..]

Vote of the European Parliament

A new advance for the mediation to the advantage of consumers: the Directive relative to the extrajudicial regulation of the disputes of consumption was adopted. The directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)[…..]

Appointment of the Mediator of the electronic communications

After consultation by the Directorate-General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Prevention of Fraud (DGCCRF), the associations of consumers, the ARCEP (the French national electronic communications and postal regulation authority and on proposal of the operators of the Association Mediation of[…..]

Activity Report 2011 : Mediator of Water

The Mediator of Water is pleased to present his Annual Activity Report 2011.  Marc CENSI invites you to consult it directly via the attached pdf link: Rapport Médiateur 2011 Mediateur de l’eau

The Mediator of France 2 is pleased to present his Annual Activity Report 2011. Nicolas JACOBS, invites you to consult it directly via the pdf link : Rapport d’activite 2011 le Médiateur de france 2

Meeting with the associations of consumers

The Club of the Mediators held its annual meeting with consumer’s Associations on march 22nd of this year. The event concerned essentially the evolution of the national and European legal frameworks concerning the mediation and the current events of the[…..]