“Les Annonces de la seine” : 10th Anniversary of the Mediation of the Ministries of the Economy and the Budget

Please find an extract in the newspaper ” Les Annonces de la Seine”. It is a resume of the event concerning the tenth birthday of the Mediation, celebrated on March 13th of this year in Bercy

Les Annonces de la Seine

The tenth anniversary of the mediation which was celebrated on march 13th of this year, was the opportunity for Emmanuel CONSTANS , Mediator of Ministries of the Economy and the Budget, to submit its annual report 2011 to François BAROIN, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and Valérie PECRESSE, Minister of the Budget, Public Accounts and the State reform, Government Sopkeswoman.

Established by a decree n°2002-612 of April 26th, 2002, the Mediator of Bercy aims at simplifying the relationships between users, physical persons (taxpayers, consumers, storekeepers, business managers…) and legal entities (companies, associations…) with the services of the ministries.

Within 10 years, 28 000 disputes were looked into by the Mediator of Ministries of the Economy, Finance and Industry. With 3 410 requests received in 2011, he registered the highest number of request since its creation, what represents a 3% increase compared with 2010.

The requests of mediation emanating from private individuals dominated, whereas those formulated by companies strongly decreased because of the economic  crisis.

The Mediator of Bercy is also « a real actor of the evolution of the public service” because he formulates in every annual report proposals likely to improve the functioning of the services of ministries in their relations with the users.

In 2011, Emmanuel CONSTANS formulated ten proposals joining within the framework of the improvement of the quality of the service provided to  users through the simplification of obligations and administrative procedures, broadcasting of an optimal information and strengthening of the legal security, in particular with regard to understanding and accessibility of the standard.

More than 80% of 150 reforms or recommendations proposed for ten years were effected, either totally or partially. François BAROIN reminded that this mediation which allows the State “to intervene quickly, individually, on economic stakes which are often determining for companies or private individuals, gained widespread acceptance in a way” because three other mediators intervene from now on in Bercy on very specific questions : Gérard RAMEIX, mediator of the Credit; Jean-Claude VOLOT, Mediator of the Industrials Inter-Enterprises and subcontracting Relations; and Eric GISSLER, Mediator of High-risk loans.

Minister of Finance so underlined its attachment in the « French model » being characterized by a set of eighteen mediators specialized in very diverse fields associating ministerial mediations, mediation of sectors and mediation of companies  : “this very relevant system continues to show its ability”.

Jean-René Tancrède