The bill “consumption”, introduced in May, 2013 by the Government, was already examined by the Assembly and the Senate in its first reading.
This text contains two mentions of a possible recourse to the mediation :
- Within the framework of provisions relative to class action, the applicant consumers’ association can enter mediation with the implicated professional to reach an agreement negotiated in the name of the group of consumers. The concerned consumers can then subscribe to this agreement after its ratification by the judge.
- It plans besides that any written contracts concluded between a professional and a consumer will have to mention the possibility, in case of contesting, to undertake a conventional mediation procedure or to another alternative mode of dispute settlement.
The Club congratulates itself on the fact that these provisions give to the disputing parties the possibility to call upon the mediation to build solutions and, if necessary, to repair the damages undergone by the consumers.
In this opportunity, the Club reaffirms its commitment to the parties of the volontary use of the mediation.