It seems that there is a time delay to apply to a Mediator?

Yes, there is a time delay to apply to  a Mediator. To get an accurate answer to your question, click the line corresponding to the Mediator whom you look for to the right of each page of this site. If the information which you get is not enough, use the link available on this last page and you will reach directly the site of the Mediator concerned.

Can I refer my case to a mediator via a third party (a family member, consumer organization, a lawyer, etc.)?

Yes, any person or organization with power of attorney may refer a case to a mediator on your behalf. The procedure and conditions for mediation are the same as for a referral addressed directly.

My problem was the same as one I saw in the Mediator’s annual report and yet they gave me a different answer. I fail to see why?

Mediation is a personalised approach which brings together the Mediator, the complainant, the company or government body for examination of a case which always has its own particular features. Only after listening carefully to each party is the Mediator able to issue an opinion. The opinions of the Mediator do not establish any jurisprudence.

I would like to send my request to the Club of the Mediators, how should I do?

The Club of the Mediators receives no request. If you wish to send your file to a Mediator of the Club, click the line corresponding to this Mediator in the drop-down menu to the right of each page of this site to have its address.

How to get the contact details of the Mediator of Economy and Finance ?

For contact details of the Mediator of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, click on the dropdown menu to the right of each page of this site “Eco Fin Min Ombudsman.”

I’ve been told to contact the organization with which I have a dispute before writing to the Mediator, is that the right procedure?

Yes, it is a general principle of mediation. To be able to intervene in the settlement of a persistent dispute, the applicant must have submitted their request to the appropriate service.

If the response from this service is not satisfactory or in the absence of a response, you can refer the case to the Mediator.

If I apply to a Mediator, does it cost me money ?

No, because the signatories of the Charter of the Mediators of services to the public pledged to a free mediation. Their referral thus commits no charge (except charges related to forward a file by mail way).

How can I refer my case to a Mediator?

For information on the conditions for referral to a mediator, click the tab for the Mediator concerned. When you reach the Mediator’s page, read its content carefully and then, if you want to learn more, use the link available for direct access to their site.

I have a dispute with the RATP(PARIS PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM). Is there a Mediator to the RATP?

Yes, there is a Mediator to the RATP and the information concerning him is accessible by clicking the line ” Mediator RATP ” of the drop-down menu to the right of each page of this site.
To reach the information which concern the other Mediators of the Club, identify the Mediator you are looking for then proceed in the same way.
Once arrived on his page, if you wish to know more about him, use the link to reach directly his

Can I send my file to the Club of Mediators and, if so, how do I go about it?

The Club de Médiateurs de Services au Public (Club of Public services Mediators) is not in a position to receive files.

To contact one of the Club’s Mediators, click on the corresponding line.

I would like to write to a Mediator, but I do not see him in the list. How can it be done?

The site includes institutional Mediators,  Club of the Mediators to the Public Service members who have signed the charter. They are listed in the drop-down menu right of each page. Inside the site you can find information about organizations, associations, or other mediators. If this information is insufficient, we recommend that you use a search engine on the Internet.

Do I have to send my letter to the Mediator by registered post?

No, there is no obligation to send your file to the Mediator by registered post. However, this form of transmission may be desirable depending on the nature of the file and attachments.

Are there conditions for referring a case to a Mediator?

The general conditions are to have had filed a complaint with a service of the organization and to have been left dissatisfied by the action subsequently taken.

There are also conditions specific to each Mediator.

I would like to write to a Mediator but I can’t see them on the list. What should I do?

The website shows those Mediators who are members of the Club de Médiateurs de Services au Public (Club of Public services Mediators) and who have signed its Charter. If this information is insufficient, we provide links related to Mediation or else we would advise you to use an Internet search engine.

I’ve been told that the Mediator will handle my case impartially but how can I be sure?

The Mediators in the Club have signed a Charter requiring them to respect a code of ethics. Their practice demonstrates their commitment to the principle of impartiality in relation to the company or the government body vis-à-vis which they perform their duties.

Finally, the Mediators report annually on their activities in a public report which is accessible on this site showing, in particular, the percentage of recommendations giving full or partial satisfaction to the complainants’ request.