Francis FRIZON was born in 1947.
He graduated from Paris Law University.
In 1972, he joined the French insurance association as Legal manager before becoming legal adviser of a bank/insurance joint venture.
For several years, he has been General Manager of a Franco/Italian industrial and commercial company.
In June 2000, Francis FRIZON was elected French Insurance Mediator and has been regularly reelected since. Currently retired as mediator he continues to represent the French insurance mediation scheme internationally.
Francis Frizon is member of :
– AJAR, the French association of insurance and reinsurance lawyers
– AIDA, International Association of Insurance Law.
– Club des Médiateurs de Services au Public, (founding member and today honorary member). The Club gathers the Mediator of the French Republic, mediators of the ministry of finances, ministry of Education, financial market Authority, and various sectors like energy, medias, transportation etc.
– FIN NET, the European Union network of financial ombudsman, since its creation. Member of the Steering Committee.
– EIOPA’s, Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group which is the consultant group of the European Insurance and Occupational Authority during two mandates.
– INFO, the worldwide International Network of Financial Ombudsman. Member of the Committee for several years.
– Consultant for the World Bank on financial consumer protection and literacy. Co-author of the WB 2012 reports on “Fundamentals for a financial ombudsman” and “Current arrangements in central and eastern Europe”.