Mediation for the individual clients with BNP Paribas was established in December, 2002, in application of the article L.315-1 of the Monetary and financial Code which makes compulsory the mediation for the banking and financial institutions.Dominique Chevaillier Boisseau was appointed Mediator for the individual clients by the Head office of the retail bank BNP Paribas on January 1st, 2010. She also fulfills mediator’s mission with the clients of Cortal Consors. Her mandate is of two years renewable.
Role and mission of the Mediator
The mediator with BNP Paribas’s mission :
- To restore between the bank and its individual client ( 1 ) peaceful relations by explaining the points of view of each of the parties and by proposing a solution in equity and in right to the dispute. Paribas BNP is commited to follow the opinion of the mediator. The client, of course, remains free to accept it and to decide on conséquences he wishes to give to his dispute.
- To formulate improvement recommendations for the quality of the service offered to the individual clients. These recommendations are intended to reduce the motives for dissatisfaction of the client and at improving the treatment of the complaints upstream level of the mediation.
Individual clients can request the Mediator for all disputes concerning banking and financial products and services of BNP Paribas. Are excluded only those relating to the general policy of the bank (rates, credit refusal, product conception, …) and those relating to product performance related to changes in markets.
The Mediator is independent of BNP Paribas. He reports his activities to Head Office of the Bank. He is under the supervision of the Commission of banking mediation established with the Banque de France by MURCEF law in December 2001.
When and how to request the Mediator ?
The mediator may be requested by the client, his advisor, a third party or by the bank istelf. However, the mediator is under the obligation of absolute confidentiality and professional se crécy : his opinion will be transmitted only to the bank and it is the responsability of the client if he considers it useful, to make it follow to his advisor or to the third party having requested the Mediator. However, the referral of the mediator allows expressely suspension of banking confidentiality by the client towards the bank concerning the communication of the nécessaire information for the mediation. The mediation can only be requested by writing, in french language and by mail. It can intervene only after exhaustion of the ways of internal recourses (complaints made with the bank, the agency or consumer relations service) or, in case of no answer, to his written request, within two months.The client has to send a mail with the relevant documents for examination of the request to the following address:
Médiateur auprès de BNP Paribas
Clientèle des particuliers
TSA 52177
75318 PARIS CEDEX 09
Médiateur auprès de B*Capital
16 rue de Hanovre
75002 Paris
Mediation process
From receipt of the mail, the mediator and his team check that the internal recourses are exhausted and that the dispute falls within the scope of competence of the Mediator. In case of dispute outside of the competence field, a mail is sent to the client specifying him the motive for not eligibility. The bank receives a copy of the answer as well as a copy of the mail of the customer.
If the internal recourses are exhausted and the dispute falls in his field of expertise, an acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the client and the mediation can start.
After analyzing the documents provided by the bank and the client, the mediator delivers a written opinion. He may propose, in equity and / or law, a solution to put an end to the dispute. It can also provide information ignored or misunderstood by the client and confirm the position of the bank especially when regulations require the bank to take conservation measures.
The opinion of the mediator is confidential. It can neither be produced nor mentioned in connection with any proceedings without the agreement of the parties (the bank and the client).
The Mediator shall publish annually an activity report available on the website of the bank .
(1) The clients of BNP Paribas entrepreneurs or physical persons acting professionally can also request a mediator specifically dedicated and who is independent from BNP Paribas.
Find out more about this Mediator in his 2015 annual report :