The Water Mediator

Dominique Braye
Médiation de l’Eau BP 40 463 75366 Paris Cedex 08

Presentation of the Mediator:

Presentation of the annual report: 2015 Annual Report of the Water Mediator

Contact the Mediator:

Water mediation was intended to facilitate the out-of-court settlement of disputes over the implementation of the water or sanitation public service between a consumer and the department managing it.

Water mediation was set up in October 2009 by the Fédération Professionnelle des Entreprises de l’Eau (water companies professional body) and two associations of elected officials, the Association des maires de France (association of mayors of France) and the l’Assemblée des Communautés de France (assembly of communities of France).

In June 2010, the Fédération des Distributeurs d’Eau Indépendants (federation of independent water distributors) joined the association.

A partnership agreement binds Water Mediation to the Mediator of the Republic.

Water Mediation has a Guidance Council chaired by the Water Mediator: Dominique Braye

This council is composed of the founding members of consumer organizations and qualified individuals. It keeps track of mediation and is consulted on implementation of the Mediator’s recommendations.

What is the role of the Water Mediator?

The Water Mediator’s remit is to reconcile points of view in order to open up the way for a negotiated solution. Independent and impartial, they share the values of the Club de Médiateurs de Services au Public (Club of Public services Mediators): listening, respect for others, fairness, transparency, a hearing for all parties and confidentiality.

When should I refer my case to the Mediator?

When, after exhaustion of internal procedures, the dispute between the consumer and its water and/or sanitation service provider cannot be resolved amicably by both parties,

If the consumer has received no response for over a month to a written complaint sent by post to the highest review body of the water and/or sanitation service provider concerned.

Referral procedure

The referral is made on a no-fee basis,

The consumer refers the case to the Mediator by means of a simple letter, accompanied by a copy of the supporting documents for the dispute,

The Mediator examines the admissibility of disputes submitted to them under the conditions defined in the Charter. It shall inform the consumer by post.

The starting point of mediation is set at the date of the letter of acceptance of their mission by the Mediator.

To find out more

Consult the Water Mediation website: