Appointed by the Central Council of the MSA, the Mediator is not bound by any hierarchical relationship within the Institution.
The duration of his mandate is three years, renewable once.
Every year he presents an activity report on which includes recommendations to improve the system.
In which cases call requesting the Mediator of the MSA?
You request the Mediator when you have a dispute regarding compulsory social welfare:
- membership,
- contributions,
- social-security benefits: disease, maternity, incapacity, death, accident,
- family benefits, basic pension(retreat),
- additional compulsory pension ( RCO).
The Mediator of the MSA has no competence on:
- the medical disputes (except the administrative aspects),
- the Health and social Measures ( ASS),
- the Active solidarity revenue (RSA),
When the requesting the Mediator?
Before requesting the Mediator, the insured must have lodged an appeal with Commission de Recours Amiable (CRA) and await the decision on his claim.
How to request the Mediator?
- By mail
- By Internet , sur le site A form is available on the Mediator’s page (under “the mediator of the MSA” bottom-left of the screen).
In all cases, referral must include a clear statement of the dispute, the precise subject of the complaint and all documents relating to the case, including the decision of the of the Commission de Recours Amiable.
The recourse to the Mediator is free and the treatment of your case is confidential. The duration of treatment approximatly of 2 months.