Armand PUJAL is Mediator of the French Association of Financial Companies -ASF- since 1 December 2012.
Since May 1995, the FSA set up to provide its members and their clients an accessible mediator under conditions initially set by rules of procedure and since 2013 the Mediation Charter taking into account the Recommendation issued in 2013 by the Committee on Banking Mediation.
The Mediator is appointed and reappointed by the Council of ASF for a period of three years, after prior consultation with consumer organizations supporting the ASF Mediation .
Independent, in law and in fact, of the ASF the Mediator is in a neutral position in order to search for appropriate settlements of existing disputes between participants with ASF and their customers.
Each year he presents and publishes a written report of its activities.
The Mediator intervenes in disputes concerning individuals, not acting for professional needs ,for services provided and execution of financing agreements by member financial firms of ASF mediation. However, he is not involved in the decision to accept or reject funding.
The Ombudsman investigates complaints on supporting documents only, and ,once the record compiled from documents supplied by the parties, shall have two months to give his opinion. Additional information if necessary requested by the Ombudsman to complete the file is to be supplied within a month. His opinion is not binding on the parties.
In any case, when after the referral of the establishment by the Mediator the claimant has not obtained satisfaction, the Mediator issues, in fairness, an opinion on the particular dispute before him..
The Mediator delivers a free and confidential service that requires , to be implemented and pursued , the agreement of both parties .
The Ombudsman may be requested by the customer who is not satisfied , after having exhausted all the ways of recourses with the internal services ( agencies, consumer services..) with which the dispute exists ..
Failure to reply to the written request of the customer to the business is considered, on the expiry of a period of two months, as a refusal of treatment of the claim or as an end to the internal procedure. The Ombudsman may only then be entered.
Note however that he can not be requested when a court procedure is in progress and when he has been requested , the appeal to a court by one of the parties, finally interrupts his mission.
The Mediator of the ASF can be entered by mail:
M Armand Pujal
Association Française des Sociétés Financières -ASF
24 Avenue de la Grande Armée- 75854 Paris Cedex 17
Learn more
Refer to the Mediator under the website of the ASF: